When you drive with bad spark plugs, the engine can face many problems. Bad spark plugs can happen for many reasons that will impact the combustion. Here we shall discuss the symptoms of bad spark plugs and the replacement of spark plugs.

Symptoms Of Bad Spark Plugs

Difficulty Turning Over: One of the symptoms of bad spark plugs is difficulty turning over. When the spark plug is good, it will start the engine by igniting a cold fuel mixture. With weary spark plugs, there will not be an adequate spark. This will make the vehicle a tough time to turn over. You must note that spark plugs can have many changes that will impact the overall ignition capacity. Hesitations: You may also witness hesitations during accelerating. As the spark plugs are not able to generate sufficient spark, it will not be able to fully utilize the fuel injection. This will lead to irregular ignition which will further create hesitations. Spark plugs can also affect acceleration from startup. Decreased Fuel Economy: Bad spark plugs can increase fuel consumption. It can make the combustion chamber receive debris. Reports suggest that there will be reduced fuel economy by almost 30% when there are worn-out spark plugs. The best way to prevent it will be to get a replacement. Also, spark plugs are not responsible for increasing gas mileage. With a worn-out spark plug, there will be bad mileage. It can also lead to wastage of fuel and will not be able to fully Ignite. Engine Misfires: Worn-out spark plugs can also make the engine misfire. As bad spark plugs can lead to improper combustion, they will not be able to ignite. When this happens, there will not be enough force and incomplete combustion. When the engine misfires, there will be incomplete fuel burning. It can lead to carbon deposits on the spark, intermittent engine sounds, performance issues, and other mechanical problems. Sluggish Performance: One of the most common signs of bad spark plugs is sluggish performance. It will affect the performance of the engine. Reduced spark capacity can lead to many problems. Bad spark plugs can’t properly ignite the fuel mixture. The vehicle will run in a lean condition with the lowered fuel injection. Lean condition: Spark plugs ignite to burn the fuel mixture. However, when they go bad, spark plugs can trick the oxygen sensors which can lead to a lean condition. Incomplete combustion is also a symptom of bad spark plugs and the fuel is dumped into the oxygen sensor. This can create a lean condition. Lean fuel mixture can begin from the oxygen sensors and can take time to send the essential information. Check Engine Light: When there is insufficient combustion as well as a constant misfire, it can make the vehicle check engine light. You may witness different problems when there is an issue with the check engine light. For this reason, an OBD scanner can be great. It can read different codes along with lean running and misfires. Even a multimeter can determine the issue quickly. The best solution for this will be to go for a visual inspection.

When To Replace Spark Plugs?

Even though spark plugs can come with good longevity, they require replacement. You will find spark plugs that have robust construction and can run without any issues. Replacing one depends upon the type of spark plugs. However, it is advised to replace them every 10000 to 15000 miles. If you use platinum or iridium spark plugs, they can last 10,000 miles. The normal spark plug service is 30,000 miles. Another important factor to consider is replacing the spark plugs in the set. There can be times when only one or a few spark plugs can have excessive wear. When you go for a replacement you need to replace the entire set. A professional will always replace the entire set rather than just change the bad ones.

How to Replace Spark Plugs?

Replacing spark plugs depends upon the type of car model. While some models will allow you to replace them with ease, others will require a little bit of expertise. On some V-engine models, reaching the spark plugs can be tough. A novice may open different engine parts. Despite this, all car models have the same procedure for replacing spark plugs. Here are the steps that you will have to follow while replacing your spark plugs. Step 1: Remove the ignition coils and cables. Step 2: Remove parts that are over the ignition cables and coils. Step 3: Replace damaged spark plugs with quality spark plugs. You will have to get the spark length accordingly. To prevent damage to the pistons, short spark plugs are recommended. Step 4: Take a lube and lubricate the threads. Step 5: Tighten the threads by using torque. Step 6: Place all the removed parts including the ignition coils and cables.

How To Determine If A Spark Plug Has Gone Bad?

With a visual inspection, you will be able to know the condition of the spark plugs. It lets you determine if the spark plugs have any wear and tear and require replacement. You will have to begin from the bottom and look at the terminal nut. It must not have any dirt or rust and if you happen to find one, you will have to wipe it using a dry cloth. Rust and dirt can lead to a bad connection and spoil the wires of spark plugs. You will also have to look at the ceramic insulator. It is for insulating the center electrode from the ground electrode. This will make the sparks happen only at the tip. Being the largest part of the device, it can have cracks. A cracked ceramic insulator can lead to misfires. You must also check the ceramic on the tip and ensure that there are no chips. The next thing that you must inspect is the dirt and rust around the electrode. If it happens, the sparks will not happen properly. It can even lead to misfire. When there are any rust and dirt deposits, you will have to clean them. However, if it is too dirty to clean, you need to go for a replacement. In addition to the above, you will also have to check the center electrode and the gap of the center electrode. This is very important as it can wear out and become thin. If it is worn out, it is important to replace it on a primary basis. Begin by checking the gap between the ground and the center electrode. You can use any gap tool or a spark plug. When you happen to witness a greater distance between the old spark plugs and ground electrodes, you need to get a new one. Finally, you can also look for corona stains on the spark plugs. The brown rusty stains can be on the edge of the ceramic and can affect the performance of the spark. If there is rust build up around the oxygen, you will have to clean it.


Perfectly running spark plugs make sure that your engine’s performance is optimal. However, you will have to change the spark plugs at regular intervals. By changing worn-out spark plugs, there will be better engine maintenance. For this reason, it is important to check the warning signs. This helps to prevent engine problems and also saves you money. Always remember that maintaining spark plugs can offer better efficiency. Comment * Name * Email * Website


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