Some users have reported the search option issue in the past, and many continue to face that issue now. You may type something in the search bar, but it does not display any results. On the other hand, some users reported that they could not find servers through the search bar. It can be annoying, and you may face the search bar problem repeatedly. But fortunately, this issue can be solved easily without much technical expertise.

How To Use The Discord Search Feature?

The search bar appears in the upper right corner of the discord app window. You can type anything in the search bar to find what you want. Another way to search in the Discord app is through hotkeys or shortcut keys. To open recent searches, you can press the Ctrl and the F keys together for Windows devices. Those who use Mac devices can press the cmd key and the F key together to open the recent search bar. If you want to find chats from specific users or through specified criteria, you can also use the search filters. Has– type “has:’ to find all the embedded media or videos and images from your chats on discord. From– Type “from:” to find chat history with a specified user. In– Type “in:” in the search bar to find the presently active channels on the app while you are using Discord. Before, After, and During– If you want to search for chat history from certain data, you can type any of these filters to see chats of a certain period.

Why Is The Discord Search Not Working?

There can be different issues that lead to a faulty search option in the discord app. Some of the common causes are-

Poor quality internet- If the internet connectivity or bandwidth is too low, the discord app may load with inactive features, including the search bar. Due to the poor internet connection, the search bar does not even Server condition-If the discord server is down, the search option will not work. The app needs an update– If you are using an outdated version of the discord app., the search bar may not work. Cache files-If the app develops a huge pile of cached files for a long time, these files may start to interfere with the app, resulting in a faulty search bar. Streamer mode- If you are using Discord through the streamer mode that can be a reason. This ode can interfere with the search bar settings, resulting in a faulty search bar. Better discord- Better discord is an add-on functionally that allows you to manually modify the appearance of your discord account, including installing themes, rhythm bots But, sometimes, the Better Discord function may cause problems with the search function, making it inactive.

How To Fix Discord Search Not Working On PC?

1. Check Discord Outage Status For Server Errors

One of the main errors that lead to an inactive search bar is the discord server issue. If the server is down, it can happen. Here is how to check the discord server status–

2. Get a Better Internet Connection.

3. Update Discord

Sometimes the updated version of discord causes the search option to malfunction, making it partially or fully inactive. In this case, the best option is to update the discord app to its latest version. Many users were able to fix the issue after updating discord to its latest version. Here is the step-by-step guide for you-

4. Clear Discord Cache

If you have been using the discord app for a long time, it may have stored numerous cache files. The hoarded-up files can consume a lot of space in your device and may even cause the app to malfunction, including a faulty or inactive search option. So, cleaning up the cached files from time to time is recommended to keep the app fresh and light. Here is the guide to clear cached files-

5. Disable Discord Streamer Mode

Discord streamer mode can also interfere with the search option. So, if you are using the app is streamer mode, it is time to deactivate it by following these steps-

6. Re-install Discord

Sometimes, reinstalling the discord app may solve the issue with the faulty search bar. Here is the step-by-step guide to reinstalling the discord app-

7. Uninstall Better Discord

Better discord is used to customize your user account on Discord. It can be another cause behind the inactive search bar of the discord app. So, if you have installed better discord, uninstall it.

How To Fix Discord Search Errors For Smartphone?

If you are using the discord app on your smartphone, here are the methods that you can use to fix the search bar problem-

1. Check Your Internet Connection

Poor internet connection is a known cause of the faculty search bar. So, if the search bar is not working, check the internet connection once. If you are using mobile data, turn it off and then again turn it on after a few seconds. It can solve the issue. If you are using Wi-Fi, try disconnecting and reconnecting with the Wi-Fi network to get stable connectivity.

 2. Update Discord App

If the problem persists, check the update status of the app. Go to the play store or app store and search “Discord”. Open the app’s page and check if there is any available update. If an update is available, click on “update” and wait until the update installs.

3. Clear Discord Cache

Like computer apps, mobile phones also develop cache files with time. So, try clearing the cached files of the app once by following these steps-


The inactive search bar in discord may prevent you from using the app properly and at your convenience. You can use this article as a guide to fix the issue. If the issue persists, it is better to contact the Discord team through the Help and Support menu. Comment * Name * Email * Website


Discord Search Error or Inactive   How To Fix On PC   Smartphone - 76Discord Search Error or Inactive   How To Fix On PC   Smartphone - 29Discord Search Error or Inactive   How To Fix On PC   Smartphone - 98Discord Search Error or Inactive   How To Fix On PC   Smartphone - 55Discord Search Error or Inactive   How To Fix On PC   Smartphone - 36Discord Search Error or Inactive   How To Fix On PC   Smartphone - 73