When a para is made in a Text file, this sign is automatically placed at the beginning of the para. By default, the sign is concealed, but users may have a Word display to reveal each instance inside a document. Many users find up not really being capable to remove the paragraph signs when they are facing Word display.  While paragraph signs may be quite useful in certain situations, they often make a file more difficult to read by making text look overly busy. Fortunately, removing paragraph signs once Word displays them is a simple process. We have given four techniques for removing paragraph signs after Word displays them.

Method 1: Use Show & Hide Para Symbols Button in Toolbar Follow the Steps:

You can see a show/hide para signs feature in Ms. Word’s taskbar. This feature may be utilized to show or conceal just paragraph signs. This feature can also be used to show/hide most other editing symbols. That’s the easiest approach for removing paragraph signs in Word:

Go towards the Home tab in the toolbar of MS Word. Here on Word’s toolbar, click the Show/Hide paragraph signs button.

If Microsoft was set to display paragraph symbols, they will be hidden. While this approach is fairly basic and clear, it may not always succeed for users, particularly those that have Word show just paragraph signs and conceal all other word processor editing symbols.

Method 2: Get Rid of the Paragraph Symbols from the Word Options Follow the Steps:

If the first method does not work, you may simply disable paragraph signs in Word Options. To do this, you must:

Select Microsoft (if you are running Word 2007) or File (when you’re running a modern version of Microsoft). Select Word Options from the menu bar.

Here in the dialogue box’s left pane, select Display and unselect

Uncheck the box next to it to have Microsoft conceal the symbols. Click OK to save your changes.

Method 3: Turn off the Paragraph Symbol Shortcut

Follow the Steps:

If you’re serious about working quickly and efficiently in Word (which you should be), I suggest learning the Ctrl + * keyboard shortcut. This simple option is initially perplexing, as it requires pressing Ctrl + Shift + 8, which is the equal of pressing Ctrl + *. When you float the cursor on the Show/Hide control, a squeezebox indicates that the simple option is Ctrl + *. Bear in mind that the buttons you need to press are Ctrl + Shift + 8.

This may seem to be an error. But that Shift + 8 is the equivalent of pressing * on the keys. This shortcut enables you to easily toggle between paragraph symbols and any other concealed formatting signs in your file. That’s why I prefer this method for displaying Word’s formatting signs. Simply press Ctrl + Shift + 8 to reveal the formatting signs and Ctrl + Shift + 8 to hide them. In this manner, you can drag up the formatting signs as needed to structure your file properly. You can conceal those symbols again to concentrate on your file.

Once get comfortable with this option, one will find himself/herself using it often while typing in MS Word.

Method 4: Unselect Paragraph Symbol in the Word

Follow the Steps:

When the Show/Hide option is not working properly, you must uncheck the paragraph sign in the Microsoft Options dialogue box.

Select the File menu.

At the end of the tab, click Options.

Choose the Display option. Don’t select the Sign for Paragraphs

If you have chosen the paragraph sign in this dialogue box, these will appear everywhere in the Word docs. Similarly, you may opt to display extra hidden signs in the Word docs.

Since this Ctrl + Shift + 8 alternative is so intuitive to understand and use, I do not advocate enabling paragraph signs or other concealed signs through in the Word Options dialogue box.


So these are the four different methods for removing paragraph signs from Word. Although it’s not a hard process to follow, you might be overwhelmed while doing it for the first time. Just follow the steps and you will be able to get rid of the paragraph signs.

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How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 19How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 43How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 6How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 91How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 35How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 46How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 24How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 34How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 4How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 70How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 90How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 33How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 61How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 13How to Get Rid of Paragraph Symbol in Word - 13