These add campaigns highlighted the role of HTC as the change maker and featured a range of range of possible HTC acronyms including Humongous Tinfoil Catamaran and Hipster Troll Carwash. HTC further plans to support this by engaging people on various Social Networking platforms. Ben Ho, CMO of HTC comments, “HTC’s innovation, authenticity and boldness have made us the change-makers in the mobile industry and led us to launch what influencers regard as the best phone in the world, the HTC One. Our original and playful Change platform is different to anything else out there and aligns our brand with the same qualities our phones are already known for. With this campaign, we are affirming what HTC’s role is in the mobile market which is to define change and to lead the industry in developing the newest and most innovative technologies.” Robert Downey Jr. of Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes fame, has signed a two-year deal with HTC. In addition to starring in the ad, he has injected his own style, working closely with HTC. The Brand platform will roll out in three phases and will feature executions which highlight HTC Innovations like BlinkFeed, Video Highlights and BoomSound. This campaign will be heavily weighted to cinema, online and digital media and will define HTC as the change maker. Few years back Apple garnered its reputation as the changer maker, which ironically is the main point rivals are criticizing Apple for in the today’s scenario. HTC One was a wonderful phone and most of the tech world will agree to that. It remains to be seen how far HTC can carry the self branded “innovative” tag in the coming years.