On top of that, if you are a night swimmer, a warm pool may be more inviting during the night, especially on colder nights. While there are options to get the pool heated with electricity or gas, which is an extra investment besides the usual pool maintenance cost. On top of that, it may also increase your environmental carbon footprint. Well, why not use solar energy to keep your pool water warm? Well, solar covers and solar rings exist for that purpose only. If you do not want to spend extra regularly, having solar pool covers and solar rings can be great alternatives. As a pool owner, you may be confused about which is better for your pool. While these two have the same purpose, there are also some fundamental differences. Here are details about these two to ensure you can choose the best option for keeping your pool warm.

What are Solar Covers?

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Solar covers, solar blankets, or solar bubbles are large blankets with thermal bubbles. These bubbles capture the radiating heat from the solar rays and keep the pool warm. A standard pool cover can increase the pool temperature up to 15 Degree F on warm and sunny days. On top of that, these pool covers also retain the pool moisture and offer you a comfortable swimming experience. In 1974, Sealed Air Corporation first introduced pool warming solar covers. Earlier, the pool covers were usually available in only blue color. But, now, you can also but these now also come in different colors, including blue, black and transparent versions. Most solar blankets are made of Polyethylene, vinyl or polypropylene. While vinyl covers are heavy-duty, these are difficult to take on or off regularly due to their weight. On the other hand, polypropylene and polyethylene covers are lightweight and easy to use. In general, solar covers come with round-shaped bubbles. But, some bubbles may also be in different shapes, like diamonds. Such specially designed solar blankets are known for their unique heating capabilities. Recently, a new type of solar cover is also being sold. It is known as a liquid solar cover. Such solar covers come with heat loss chemical coated surfaces to keep the pool warm. You can buy solar covers in different thicknesses, ranging from 8mil, 12mil, to16 mil. 1 mil is 0.0254 mm or 1/1000th of one inch. The upper surface contains a UV-protective chemical coating to prevent UV ray-related damage. Get one larger if you want to buy a solar cover for your pool. Usually, the solar covers are rectangular. If you have a pool in a different shape, you can cut the blanket as per the shape of your pool. But, always cut the cover in a larger shape to ensure it fits the pool properly. A well-fitted pool cover snugly fits from end to end. And you get better heat retention. Pros

The best part of having a solar cover is its thickness. You can choose as per your It covers the pool surface and ensures the water is evenly warmed. A solar cover keeps the water warm and retains moisture, properly controlling heat loss. These are available in different sizes, and you can cut the rectangular cover according to the shape of your Solar blankets are affordable and last longer.


While for smaller pools, you may be able to install and remove the covers easily, large pools require more effort. You may need one or two people to take on or take off the pool blanket if you have a large pool cover.

What are Solar Rings?

Solar rings are smaller floating discs with a solar bubble lining. These are also called lily pads due to their circular shape. But, you can also buy them in square shapes. But, for convenience, we will refer to both circular and rectangular discs as “Solar rings/ Solar Discs”. Solar rings are usually made with UV-resistant cells on both sides. The lower layer has a darker color to absorb heat and retain the heat for the pool. On the other hand, the upper layer is in a lighter shade. The upper layer with bubbles offers insulation to retain the heat. Some solar rings have magnets around the thick vinyl center to connect and form a larger cover. This is to ensure better insulation and arming effect. On the other hand, some pool discs also come with water anchors to keep these in place. The anchor is a water channel through which some water enters the rings, making them a little heavier to keep them steady. A Californian housewife invented solar rings in 2004. Since then, rings are getting popular constantly and are now available in most stores. In general, a solar ring comes in a diameter of 5 ft. But, you can buy rings in larger sizes also. Before you install the rings, you need to inflate these. In general, a 12-inch round pool requires at least three rings. On the other hand, a 12”x12” pool will rewire four discs. To keep the pool warm, you need to cover 70-80% of the pool surface with the rings. Pros

Solar rings are easier to handle as they are smaller in size. Hence, you can install or take off these Most solar rings or squares are durable.


Since solar discs are smaller in size, you will have to buy multiple ones to cover your whole pool. This may become expensive in the You need to inflate the rings to ensure this works Improperly inflated discs will not work. If the air chamber gets punctured, you may need to replace the whole disc. Since the solar discs may not cover the whole pool, this may not be as effective as solar covers for larger pools.

What Affects the Pool Temperature?

The pool temperature drops according to the weather. But, the main factor that causes the temperature drop is evaporation. Here are the common pool enemies which cause the water temperature to go down and affect your swimming experience altogether

1. Evaporation

Solar blankets and rings’ main motto is to prevent evaporation from heat loss. Hence, these items cover most of the pool’s surface area to prevent evaporation. Evaporation causes the pool to get colder. Multiple factors lead to evaporation-


If the temperature is higher, evaporation will be greater, and heat will be reduced faster.

Surface area

Larger surface area means more evaporation.

Air temperature

The air temperature has a direct connection with evaporation. Higher air temperature means faster and more evaporation.


If humidity is high, evaporation will be low, and evaporation will be higher for low humidity.

2. Water Loss

Water loss is one of the critical factors for maintaining the pool temperature. Evaporation causes water loss. While ¼ inch loss may seem normal for any pool, it often leads to drastic water loss, up to 100 gallons for a larger pool in a single day. That means you must add water regularly to maintain the proper water level. On top of that, if the water level becomes low, it can also damage the pool pump. It may not seem expensive, but the repeated addition of water to your pool often costs you more than you imagine. It requires more electricity or gas as the pump will work longer. On top of that, you will have to be there to fill the pool every time. Besides that, it also causes unnecessary water wastage. Having pool covers or rings offers a sustainable solution and prevents water loss.

3. Chemical Loss

Evaporation also means chemical loss. The water-soluble chemicals also get evaporated as the water dries up. Experts say nearly 70% of the chemicals are lost due to evaporation. On top of that, direct sunlight can result in the chemical reaction of chlorine. As a result, you need to add chlorine frequently, which adds to the pool expense.

Which One is Better: Solar Rings vs. Solar Cover

So, now comes the main question- “Which one is better: Solar covers or solar rings?” Well, to understand which of these pool warmers is better for your swimming pool, you need to check the performance of these two concerning some factors like-

1. Preventing Evaporation

As it has already been said, evaporation is the main reason behind temperature decrease in a swimming pool. Hence, if you need a warmer pool, you must stop evaporation. A solar cover can cover the whole area of your pool, leaving no gap behind. Using a solar cover means you can reduce the evaporation up to 95%. On the contrary, solar rings or squares can cover only 75% of the pool surface area. If you use more rings or squares to cover the pool, some gaps may be left behind. Hence, with solar rings, you can reduce only 50% evaporation. In this case, the solar covers are the winner. With a solar cover, you can effectively keep your pool warmer for a long duration.

2. Heating Effect

The main reason behind using solar covers or rings is to increase the pool water temperature. A solar cover can increase the temperature of the water up to 15 degrees F. On top of that, since the solar cover completely covers your pool, the water is heated uniformly throughout the pool, If you are keen to maintain the heat for a long time, it is better to go for a white or translucent pool cover as these retain the heat for longer than the usual blue or black ones. On the contrary, solar rings or discs are not as effective as these can cover only 75% of the pool surface. While the gaps allow direct sunlight to warm up the pool, the heating is not uniform. On top of that, solar rings have higher chances of evaporation and may not retain heat for a long time. Hence, solar covers are also a winner for effective heating and heat retention, so if you want to keep your pool warmer for a long time, better to invest in durable solar covers.

3. Safety

Pool safety is a sensitive matter for everyone, especially in homes with children and pets. Solar covers completely cover the surface of the pool. Hence, a pool with a solar cover may appear as a solid surface for children or pets. They may even try to walk on that solar cover, resulting in accidents and safety issues. But, solar discs or squares do not cover the whole surface of the pool. Hence, water is visible from the sides and different areas. Hence, if you are concerned about safety, it is better to get solar rings, especially if you have pets or children at home.

4. Reducing Water loss

Water consumption is directly linked with evaporation. If the pool water evaporates frequently, it will result in water loss and increased water consumption. A solar cover effectively reduces water loss as it covers the pool completely. It can reduce water loss by up to 50%. With a solar cover, you can save up to 1500 gallons of water per month for a 600 sq. Ft swimming pool. On the other hand, solar rings can decrease water wastage by up to 25%. That means you can save only 750 gallons of water for a 600 sq. Ft pool. These discs or squares will only cover 75% of the pool surface. So, if you are keen on preventing water loss and waste, go for solar covers.

5. Retaining Chemicals

Chemical loss is also essential to maintain the pool’s condition. As you already know, chemical loss is directly linked to evaporation. Hence, it is clear that solar covers are better at retaining the chemicals in your pool. A solar cover can reduce chemical loss by up to 60%. If you have a large pool, you may end up saving a lot of money due to this reduction and retain the chemicals for longer. On the other hand, solar rings can reduce chemical loss but are not effective life solar covers. Solar rings can generally reduce chemical loss by up to only 30%.

6. Heating Cost Reduction

The heating cost is an essential factor for any pool owner. Both solar covers and solar rings use solar energy. Hence these are more feasible compared to pool heaters. But, for reducing the overall heating cost, solar covers are more effective. A solar cover can reduce the heating cost from 17% to 20% for a standard pool size. But, using solar rings, you can only reduce the heating cost by 10-15%. While both of these are effective, solar covers are a little better.

7. Keeping the Pool Clean of Debris and Dirt

One of the main costs included in the pool maintenance cost is the pool cleaning expenditure. A pool filled with debris, dirt or insects is not appealing at all. Hence, you may end up calling the pool cleaning service more than often if the pool is left uncovered. Using solar covers and solar rings, you can easily keep the pool clean of debris and dirt. A solar blanket can cover the whole water surface of your pool from edge to edge. It creates a layer on the pool. Hence, dirt and debris remain on the blanket instead of getting into the pool. On the other hand, solar rings also collect dirt and debris. But, since these rings do not cover the whole surface of your pool, some debris may get into the water in the end. So, go for a solar cover if your primary concern is keeping the pool clean of debris, dirt, or insects.

8. Preventing Algae Growth

While learning the pool warmer offers a pleasant swimming experience, it also increases the risk of algae growth. If the chemical balance is not at the optimal level, a warmer pool may become a breeding ground for algae. Hence, it is better to check the poll from time to time. On top of that, run the pump regularly to promote water circulation and filtration in your pool. On top of that, pass chemicals regularly to prevent any kind of algae growth. Solar blankets cover the pool surface entirely and offer better heating. But, if you don’t check the pool water condition and chemical condition, the water beneath the cover may become infested with algae. You may not even notice the algae growth if you leave the blanket for a longtime. But, with solar rings, parts of the pool remain visible, and you can easily spot the algae growth. Hence, solar rings are better in the end if you want to check the algae growth more often. But, if you have a solar cover and do not want to invest in rings soon, make it a habit to remove the cover from time to time to check the water condition.

9. User-Friendliness

Another factor that you need to check out is the use of friendliness. The main issue with a solar cover is the installation and take-off method. You may need assistance from one or two people if the pool and the cover are larger. Each time you need assistance to put on or off the solar blankets, it may become a hassle. While you can use two smaller solar blankets to cover the pool, putting each of these may seem complicated. On the contrary, solar rings are easy to put on and put off. You can easily connect the solar rings and just float them on the water. Anyone can cover a pool with solar rings. You just have to toss these on the pool surface. In the end, solar rings are more user-friendly. But, for larger pools, solar blankets are always a better choice. So, putting on a solar blanket may not be difficult if you have a large family. But, if you live alone or do not have help every time, you may need to choose solar rings.

10. Wind and Wind Current Prevention

Wind and wind current often leads to more evaporation in uncovered swimming pools. On top of that, high wind current can also prevent the solar blankets and solar rings from working correctly. A solar cover is better at handling strong winds because these cover the pool entirely and may not drift even during the high current. But, solar rings may drift from side to side on windy days. Some people have also reported that gusty wind tossed their solar rings aside. But, the rings with anchors are better at handling winds as these are heavier. Hence, solar blankets are a better investment. But, if you need to choose solar rings, go for those who anchor.

11. Storage Space

Storage space is essential when looking for solar blankets or discs. Solar blankets are easier to store. You can store these with a reel and roll these away when the pool is in use. If you have an in-ground pool, you can use the reels to store the cover. For above-ground pools, you can easily use hooks or hooked reels to store the blanket. On the other hand, solar rings can be stored by stacking them together. But, compared to solar covers, solar rings often take up a larger area. Furthermore, storing the rings beside your pool may end up falling on the pool with gusty wind or by accident. So, you need to create protected storage for the rings. But, you need to store both solar rings and solar covers in a shaded area away from direct sunlight to prevent UV ray-related damage. On top of that, prevent storing these on abrasive surfaces as well. In short, solar covers are easier to store. But, you must use a reel for that. Otherwise, go for solar rings.

12. Durability 

In the case of durability, both solar blankets and solar rings perform well. Solar covers or rings usually last for five to ten years, with most manufacturing companies offering a five-year warranty. If you are using them during certain seasons, these may even last for seven years. But, it is better to replace the solar covers or rings after five to seven years.

13. Price

The price tag is vital for any pool owner planning to buy a solar cover or even solar discs. While solar covers may appear expensive, a single cover is enough to cover your pool. The price tag of a solar blanket also depends on the thickness and the material. Now, in the case of solar rings, each ring costs significantly less. But, you need to buy multiple rings to cover the pool. In the end, the cost is often more than a single solar cover. Hence, go for solar covers if you have a budget and provision.


If you check out various factors, solar covers or blankets are better performers than solar rings. A solar blanket can cover the whole pool area, offering a better warming effect. But, these may impose safety issues. Besides that, installing and uninstalling a solar cover is a daunting task for larger pools. On the contrary, solar rings may not offer a warming effect like a solar cover, but these are safer and easy to put on or remove. Pricewise, both of these will cost you the same for a pool. While you need to buy a single pool cover, multiple solar rings are needed at once for your pool. In the end, solar covers are a better option. But, you can always choose solar rings. These are also good. Ultimately, the choice is yours. Comment * Name * Email * Website


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