Spectranet Tech Assist will be managed by iYogi aims at providing 24 x 7 customer support for all devices and peripherals from a single platform. The company believes that this strategic move will drive 12% increase in revenue, and 15% reduction in support costs in next 12 to 24 months. Udit Mehrotra, CEO and Managing Director, Spectranet said, “Multiple users and an ever-increasing number of smart devices in homes and offices have increased the complexity of delivering a great internet service experience for the consumers. Given the technical infancy of the consumer, it is imperative for service providers to focus on the potential needs and deliver amazing technical support along with amazing internet speeds.” “Traditionally service providers and customers had divided responsibility between the service provider network versus customer home network and devices which resulted in a frustrating service experience for the customers. Using the Digital Service Cloud, the Tech Assist service agents will be able to view and resolve any tech issue 24X7 remotely, and have unified responsibility, resulting in a substantially enhanced service experience for the customer,” he added. Spectranet, which is an internet service provider, aims at providing high speed internet connections and presently operates in National Capital Region of Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune and Chennai. The improvement in customer care is a necessity in Indian market and will definitely help Spectranet evolve towards its goal.